On Demand Workshop

The Art of Hiring an Assistant

Matthew Rathbun
Duration: 0.50 Hours
Reward bees


Are you wanting to make the jump into the 20% of agents who make enough money to support their families without a side hustle? Are you already going crazy? So many people love you and want to work with you. Yet there you are stuck at your desk after midnight each night trying to figure out how to keep up, meet your promises and have a work-life balance.

Matthew is an instructor for The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist (C-RETS) certification / Real Estate Professional Assistant (REPA) certification, has personally trained many assistants over 20 years as a successful REALTOR® and advised many of the agents working for him at his brokerage firm – let’s just say he’s seen it all, good and bad.

Hiring assistants and starting to build a team is one of the most requested of all of Matthew’s topics. He believes the future of real estate and growing your business is a well-trained assistant. And numbers back that up. 16% of NARS membership have assistants and we know there is a direct correlation between high-performing agents and building a strong team.

This program will cover the 3 biggest challenges:
  1. Understanding how to find and select an assistant
  2. Developing a compensation system for an assistant
  3. Tools and resources to help sustain a successful assistant relationship

Whether you are looking for better work-life balance, to make more money, or improve your business, an assistant – a properly trained and well-planned addition of an assistant - can make all the difference in the world.

If you’re thinking of hiring an assistant, you need a plan. This session explores hiring options, needs assessments, pitfalls to avoid and tips for developing an amazing assistant.

*Codes and credits may not be combined
and in total may be used to a max value of 25% off course listed price unless otherwise specified